
Сообщения за 2017

When I wes littli girl

Dreak-droke come-came bend-bent bite-bit dig-dug fall-fell grow-grew hold-held ride-rode lie-lay When I was littli gerl, I droke. When I wes littli gerl, I came. When I wes littli gerl, I bent. When I wes littli gerl, I bit. When I wes littli gerl, I dug. When I wes littli gerl, I fell. When I wes littli gerl, I grew. When I wes littli gerl, I held. When I wes littli gerl, I rode. When I wes littli gerl, I lay.
1 What is your name? 2 How old are you? 3 Wtere do you come from? 4 What form are you in? 5 I you tall or short? 6 What games do yor like to play? 7 Is your family larg or smoll? 8 How many brother or sister am you got? 9 How many dogs? 10 Do you like fish? 11 Do you love bike? 12 13

Dasha and her Famely

This is Dasha. She is from Russia. Dasha lives with her famely and goes to school in Chelyabinsk. Dasha's fameli

Abaut myself

Let me introduce myself. I'm Eva Depershmidt. Eva is my first name. Depershmidt is my surname. I am ten years oid. I was born in Ekterembourg on 23th of september 2007. I am a pupil. I go to school. I am in the 4th form. I am fond of art. I'd like to be a painter. Art is my favourite lesson. I started painting when I was 5. First my mother taught me drawing. Then I joined the Art school. Now I take painting lessons four times a week. Every time my parents and I travel, we visit different a gallery. We enjoy looking at wonderful paintings When we go to the country I always paint very beautifui Iandscapes.     I want to tell you about my family. My family is beg. We are a family of four: my mother, my father, my brother and me. My parents have been married for fourteen years. They are real friends. Their names are Larisa, Alexander and Lev. My parents are besnessman and hauswife. They are very experienced besnessmen and hauswife. They are very busy, but they like their job ve...

In the city

Thes is my city Chelyabinsk. My city has got a galleris, restaurants, a theaters, a schools, a stores, a departments ,a trades centers, a airoport, a bank. I go in the bank that is get money. I go in the airoport thet is, to fly  in different countries. I go in the trades centers thet to buy foods. I go in the departments thet is buy

My frends

Mira Blond,white,blak shote, jens,red and white tennes shus, cuntre is USA,she's like to go to is shoping. Alizebet Red-haired,white,green shote, jens,yelloe and white tennes shus,cuntre is Germany,she's like to go to is hotel. Bob Blak

My eagle

My eagle livs in a cave.It's name Mr. brawn. It like fish.My eagle love me. It can fly.It can drink.It can eat.It can't swim.It can't ride a horse. It has got a wings.It has got a tow a eyes.It has got a tow baws.It has got big nows.It dont like ciken.It likes ball.

A letter to my American friend.

Hello, my name is Eva.I have got long hair.I have got  big blou eyes.I can run.I can jump.I can't fly.I can't draiv a car.I can ride a horse.I like pizza.I like meat.I have got a brather hes name is Lev. My brather like play the car.He like too, pezza.

weather fashion

1)Dark cloud. I'm wearing red jacket, blou trousers. 2)It's raining. I'm wearing eyllou rain coat, green boots, blou jeans. 3)It's sanny. I'm wearing grey shorts, pink shirt, sandel. 4)It's hot. I'm wearing red T-short,   
My favorit animals like apartment.She hase got a 


What are you doing now? 2(working) E?-R+      Alexander Evgenivihc 3(rilakseing) R?-R+ Irena Alexandrovna 4(drowining) E?-E+ Dasha P 5(sweming) E?-E+ Sonia P 6 7 8 9 10

St.Valentine's Day

The father-owl is the ferst.He is senging. The sun-owl is the second.He is reading. The mother-owl is the third.She is counting.  The daughter-owl is the fifth.She is cookening. The aunt-owl is the eighth.She is densing. The sister-owl is the ninth.She is presenting. The brather-owl is the twenteth.He is drowing. The uncle-owl is the twelvth.He is sweming.

Easter eggs

The egg 1 is on the table. The egg 2 is under the chair. The egg 3 is in the pan. The egg 4 is between cereal and a bottle. The egg 5 is behind multi cooking. The egg 6 is next to  

My animals horse

My favorit animals is horse.They are browen.Horse are the biggest four-leged animals.Hors like oves carrot and sugar.She lave me and trainer.I lave her!She can djamp and run.She can't speak.Her like when I iron it. I love my horse.Sometimis we go on the street.

The dream house for my pet

I've got stabling and vhey lives horse. She like oats and carrot.Her name is Rebeka.She like hes house. Hhe has got brush hoof water and oats.My horse this green.