What are you doing now? 2(working) E?-R+ Alexander Evgenivihc 3(rilakseing) R?-R+ Irena Alexandrovna 4(drowining) E?-E+ Dasha P 5(sweming) E?-E+ Sonia P 6 7 8 9 10
The father-owl is the ferst.He is senging. The sun-owl is the second.He is reading. The mother-owl is the third.She is counting. The daughter-owl is the fifth.She is cookening. The aunt-owl is the eighth.She is densing. The sister-owl is the ninth.She is presenting. The brather-owl is the twenteth.He is drowing. The uncle-owl is the twelvth.He is sweming.
The egg 1 is on the table. The egg 2 is under the chair. The egg 3 is in the pan. The egg 4 is between cereal and a bottle. The egg 5 is behind multi cooking. The egg 6 is next to